Do, each day, all that can be done that day

century 21 south africa century 21 university blog century 21 university sa consistency daily activities earl nightingale lead the field nicolene hamaty productivity success mindset Jun 28, 2022
Do, each day, all that can be done that day - Nicolene Hamaty - Century 21 University SA

The most powerful words I have read in a long time is: “Do, each day, all that can be done that day.” I have read these exact words in three different books over the last three months. All these books had one thing in common and that is how to achieve your goal and grow your business and income. This can’t be a coincidence. Can it be so simple? Can the secret to achieving your goals and grow your business and income be as simple as, do, each day, all that can be done that day? With each day done successfully and doing all that can be done in a day… will then lead to a successful week, month, year and career. 

What have you left undone for today, that you could have completed yesterday? 

“Do, each day, all that can be done that day. You don’t need to overwork – or to rush blindly in to your work, trying to do the greatest possible number of things in the shortest possible amount of time. Don’t try to do tomorrow’s – or next week’s – work today. It’s not so much the number of things you do but the quality, the efficiency of each separate action that counts. Gradually, you’ll find yourself increasing the number of tasks and performing them all much more efficiently. 

To get the habit of success (and that’s why successful people go from one success to another – because it’s a habit with them), you need only to succeed in the small tasks of each day. This makes a successful day. With enough of these, you have a successful week, month, year – and lifetime. 

This is why I say success is not a matter of luck – far from it. It can be predicted and guaranteed, and anyone can achieve it by following this plan. Almost before you realize it, you’ll have achieved your goal. In looking back, you’ll realize that your success was not attributable to any one day, week, or month. Rather, it was the consistent, unrelenting, successful succession of single days that did the trick. This is the way a skyscraper, a home, or a human life is successfully built. One successful day at a time; and each day comprising a collection of successful tasks – one successful task at a time. 

To advance to the place you’ve chosen, two things are necessary: (1) that you keep your eye on your goal, and (2) that you continue to grow in competence and effectiveness.”  – Extract from Lead the Field, by Earl Nightingale (book attached for those who wish to read it)

Author: Nicolene Hamaty – National Training Manager/Head of Training and Education at Century 21 South Africa

28 June 2022

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